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English Cartel. A New Now

Morag Myerscough. The aim of an artist

The work of Morag Myerscough in Paris.
October 2020-January 2021

**English Cartel

This London artist is a major figure in the "New London Fabulous" movement, which takes a stand against the monotony of cities and promotes joy.

"I like the fact that my work is like brightly coloured flowers that suddenly appear in the often grey urban architecture, blossom for a while and then disappear without a trace. »

Morag Myerscough rejects the imposition of a new normality emerging from the seismic changes underway (health, social, economic, political).
She calls for a collective response through art.

"Make those who are close happy and those who are far away will come. " This is her mantra.

For her first work in France in this small square, she has chosen to cover completely the stone-covered pedestal on which previous artists have placed their work. The installation illuminates the space with chaotic colours and shapes. A New Now is a call for communicative optimism.

" Every day brings new challenges ; we must respond now and build a new future for our planet. If we approach it in the right way, it will be better than the one we had before the crisis. "

This poetic popular installation is also a feat of design and assembly summoning the imagination of all those who await the reconstruction of Notre-Dame and its spire. With humour, the artist evokes the stairs through painting and the roof through multicoloured ribbons.

Discover "A New Now", Morag Meyerscough and Le Socle.Paris through articles and social networks.

Morag Meyerscough
Website  : https://www.moragmyerscough.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moragmyerscough/?hl=fr
Facebook  : https://www.facebook.com/morag.myerscough.5?locale=fr_FR
Twitter : https://twitter.com/moragmyerscough

Le Socle.Paris
Interview with Morag Meyerscough : https://www.voir-et-dire.net/?Morag-Myerscough-A-NEW-NOW
Website Socle.Paris  : https://www.lesocleparis.fr/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lesocleparis/?hl=fr
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lesocleparis/

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